About CHES

Our Vision

To develop new coordinated processes for the integration of Engineering Services in domestic dwellings that result in installations that conserve energy and reduce operating costs whilst providing comfortable homes.

Our Mission

To produce integrated House and Community Engineering Services for owners and Investors through the adoption of coordination practices that  change existing inefficient Project practices and norms.

The integrated home comfort, energy and water savings solution

CHES is a Consortium of companies covering all the Engineering Services that are necessary for the modern home. These companies participate in each CHES Project and are coordinated by CHES into a team that produces the integrated design and installation of these Engineering Services. These Companies have been selected by CHES as being the best in their field in practice and experience, and they all embrace and support the integrated CHES approach.

CHES team members and engineers are qualified and experienced, giving you peace of mind.

Our country offers vast spaces and natural resources that have allowed people to build large houses with no consideration for conservation, or in many cases their own comfort. However, energy and water resources are getting more costly and scarce, and we can no longer build houses that ignore these realities.

CHES was formed by engineers in order to address these issues. Its directors are qualified to provide you with advice and expertise in building not only a house, but a home where you will experience comfort and the satisfaction that you are contributing to conserving our natural resources.

Model CHES House-Mini Mansion

Contact US

Our Team

Adrian Michie


JB Snyman


Thinus Lindeque
